Lean and well-flavoured cut. It is similar to rump, but is more tender.
Sirloin Steak
10oz £29.95
Our British matured steaks are served with chunky chips and are garnished with rocket and parmesan salad dressed with balsamic glaze.
Lean and well-flavoured cut. It is similar to rump, but is more tender.
Two steaks in one – flavorful sirloin and tender fillet. Served on the bone to add further flavour.
Lean cut with rm texture and rich flavour. This cut is best enjoyed when cooked no more than medium.
Extremely tender & Well marbled served on a juicy bed of onions, mushrooms, a grilled tomato. Topped with home made peppercorn sauce and a side of chunky chips.
Choose from: Spicy Habanero Mayo, Garlic Mayo, Hot Habanero Sauce, Chilli Chutney or Fresh Salsa Tartar Sauce